Not spinning

A washer-dryer that isn’t spinning correctly could be attributed to a too small or a too heavy load. Adjusting your load size could alleviate this fault. A washer has balance sensors that might detect a small load and cause it to not spin correctly. Similarly too much washing in your machine might mean a machine doesn’t drain correctly and ultimately cause it not to spin. By adding or removing items from a load could rectify this washer fault. Making sure the filter, typically at the front of a machine, isn’t blocked is also a way of checking the cause of not spinning.


Noisy appliance

It is possible that a washer fault could develop when the cycle seems too noisy. Most people know the noise levels of their machine so notice easily when it begins to make a strange noise, shake or rattle. Checking the filters and the drum for anything immediately obvious could eradicate this problem. There could be an object in the drum that has fallen out of a load of washing and removing that could stop the noise happening.

A rumbling noise could signify a washer fault with the bearings on the drum. Checking the filter might again reveal an obvious blockage that could clear the drain pump and do away with the excessive noise arising from this type of fault.


The door won’t open

It is fairly commonplace that no washer will let the door be opened whilst a cycle is underway. However, once a programme has completed the door release should activate. If this doesn’t happen then it could be possible to power off the machine and open the lid. Use the lever inside to release the door and open.


Bad smell

It might seem like an embarrassing problem to have but having a smelly washer is a relatively common fault. Modern liquid detergent and washing at a colder temperature means that bacteria is give the opportunity to breed and then causes the bad smell. Doing a maintenance wash will usually cure any smells leave your washer-dryer in tip top condition.


Stops mid cycle

This type of appliance fault could really be anything and short of eliminating things like a power cut or a break in electrical power then it typically worth hiring a professional to help. There’s a number of washer faults that can be diagnosed and treated by the owner but anything more technical needs the owner’s input.



A machine that is not spinning presents a big problem of very wet washing. Whilst washing might be clean if the washer is not spinning then you are likely to be presented with wringing wet loads of washing that would take a mammoth effort to get dry even on a hot day! These days we’re accustomed to doing much bigger loads and as a result we have much more washing to get dry. Despite washing machines having bigger drums than a few years ago there are times when we still expect too much of a washer and this can cause them not to turn.

Overloading your appliance with too much washing is the most common cause of a laundry machine not turning. As each washer is reliant on balance in the drum, as soon as this is compromised you are likely to experience the appliance not spinning or stopping completely. When a machine has a large load or even one that is too light the washer senses it is out of balance and as a result over compensates by stopping working properly. Even if it starts to spin it will not reach top spin speeds if there is a problem detected with the size of the load. Read on to find out how overloading can break your washing machine.

When a washer is not spinning it is nearly always down to user error and redistributing the load or reducing the amount in the machine might resolve the problem. If in doubt it is always better to do a couple of smaller loads rather than one huge load in order to protect your machine. The chances are if you think your appliance is too full then it is and prolonged periods of doing loads that are too heavy won’t serve you well long term.

Checking the filters for blockages could also mean a machine is not turning. This could be accompanied by the machine not draining properly so if you have both problems then a clogged filter could be the culprit.

For a persistent washer that is not turning then calling out an engineer might be the only option. If you’re confident you’ve ruled out the obvious problems and the machine is working fine otherwise then it could be a problem with the motor or pump or another part.

At Nairobi Repair Center™️  we are professional repair technicians and would be happy to help with a washer that is not spinning or any other repair. We will attend to your broken appliance in a timely manner and we endeavor  to resolve the problem on our first visit rather than have you wait around. We understand how important washing machines are and aim to have them back up and running quickly.

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