Storing Eggs for Incubation

Storing Eggs for Incubation

The proper collection, handling and storage of eggs are key factors in the success of every hatch. The quality of your chicks is determined by how the eggs are handled from then time they are laid to when they are placed in the incubator.

A fertile egg contains living cells, where the embryo starts to develop even before incubation. Once an egg is laid, the goal is to maintain the chances that it will hatch. It is not possible to improve the chances of hatching at this stage however, the chances of hatching can be harmed if the eggs are not stored and handled correctly.

Egg Collection & Nesting Areas

Nesting Areas must be kept clean and free of droppings as very dirty eggs are not suitable for incubation, due to the risk of bacteria entering the egg or contaminating the incubator. Eggs should be collected twice daily.

Egg Selection

Any dirty or damaged eggs should be discarded. A very slightly dirty eggs can generally be used for hatching, without washing it. Washing an egg is very risky as it can remove the protective film that is on an egg shell. If this film is removed bacteria can enter into the egg reducing the chances of it hatching. Washing is best avoided unless using a suitable washing solution such as Chictec Egg Wash

Egg Shape Quality is very important. Oblong eggs should not be used for hatching, as they will almost certainly either lead to it not hatching or that the chick will not survive. The idea is to the have to egg as close to perfect as possible.

Egg Storage

Find a suitable place for egg storage where they can safely be stored at room temperature (Between 14 – 18 degrees Celsius) Embryos stored below 5 degrees or above 26 degrees could die.

Once eggs are collected place them in a clean plastic egg tray point down

Each Day Rotate the egg i.e. Day 1 – Point Down Day -2 Point Up etc. Repeat this process for the period that eggs are being stored

Set them in the incubator as soon as you have collected enough eggs.

After 10 days the chance of the hatching is less than 40%

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